Weather Report

Mundus Imperialis Reveal
Hey, look at this logo. Ain't it neat?Mundus Imperialis was announced and teased at the Gale Force Nine booth.An exclusive line of 6-8mm scaled tabletop terrain that I have been...
Mundus Imperialis Reveal
Hey, look at this logo. Ain't it neat?Mundus Imperialis was announced and teased at the Gale Force Nine booth.An exclusive line of 6-8mm scaled tabletop terrain that I have been...

AdeptiCon HEXTECH Reveals
(Thunderhead's preamble about AdeptiCon here.) The first big relevant details for Thunderhead Studio this year... Hextech Wave Three has launched, with Waves 4-7 previewed at the Gale Force Nine booth...
AdeptiCon HEXTECH Reveals
(Thunderhead's preamble about AdeptiCon here.) The first big relevant details for Thunderhead Studio this year... Hextech Wave Three has launched, with Waves 4-7 previewed at the Gale Force Nine booth...

See You at AdeptiCon!
We are at AdeptiCon! Swing by the Gale Force 9 booth #301 and check out the HEXTECH previews!
See You at AdeptiCon!
We are at AdeptiCon! Swing by the Gale Force 9 booth #301 and check out the HEXTECH previews!

HEXTECH Trinity City: Binary Towers Preview
MAGNETS! The preview of the next HEXTECH Battlefield in a Box is the Trinity City Binary Towers! This gorgeous set of short and tall tower comes with a surprise, the...
HEXTECH Trinity City: Binary Towers Preview
MAGNETS! The preview of the next HEXTECH Battlefield in a Box is the Trinity City Binary Towers! This gorgeous set of short and tall tower comes with a surprise, the...

OnTableTop Industry Awards 2023 Win!
A huge surprise win from OnTableTop Industry Awards 2023 for HEXTECH Battlefield in a Box designed by Thunderhead Studio and created by Gale Force Nine! Thank you so much! The...
OnTableTop Industry Awards 2023 Win!
A huge surprise win from OnTableTop Industry Awards 2023 for HEXTECH Battlefield in a Box designed by Thunderhead Studio and created by Gale Force Nine! Thank you so much! The...

Get RETRO in 2024!
All you Stormchasers have been incredibly patient and we have a real treat this month! Every week starting TODAY, we will be releasing a brand new Thunderhead Studio designed RETROTECH...
Get RETRO in 2024!
All you Stormchasers have been incredibly patient and we have a real treat this month! Every week starting TODAY, we will be releasing a brand new Thunderhead Studio designed RETROTECH...