Hey, look at this logo. Ain't it neat?
Mundus Imperialis was announced and teased at the Gale Force Nine booth.
An exclusive line of 6-8mm scaled tabletop terrain that I have been working nonstop on since January (after I previewed the first three concepts and GF9 told me they wanted to show it at Adepticon, something of a surprise).
And, frankly, I barely got the previews done in time to have them on the table with one of them actually being a print I drybrushed just before I got on the plane.
Now that the announcement and previews are out, I'll be able to share more information on this line. Pictures and details will be forthcoming but for now, the pertinent details:
6-8mm scaled
Pseudo Gothic sci-fi aesthetic, vaguely in the Toulouse or Southern French Gothic style with industrial elements.
Very specifically attempting to avoid generic 40k "SKULLS AND ARCHES" so that these pieces, while stylized, will still work for many games in the scale range without being too jarring.
Gameplay friendly features including rooftop areas designed to fit model bases, logically placed entrances and scaling details, and heights that take into account average model height for LoS purposes.
Structures are being designed in undamaged, damaged, and ruined variants with matching footprints. These variants can easily be used in tandem to spread your terrain wider or, optionally, can be swapped for one another as damage is accrued during gameplay.
Initial "urban" designs with several in the works allowing players to move away from the standard cityscapes.
Dates TBD, we barely got this to the convention and are working out production based on popular response. If this is a set you're excited about, MAKE SOME NOISE!
Initial offerings will be physical only, pre-painted as part of the Battlefield in a Box product line with no STLs for sale. This is the first line I've developed directly and specifically for physical production. That's not to say that STLs won't become available at some point in the future, and on that note...
As part of the Mundus Imperialis terrain line, we will be making available licenses to trusted and professional 3d print farms on a regional basis for a line of SUPPLEMENTARY 3D PRINTED COMPONENTS.
These will be additional terrain pieces that supplement your Mundus Imperialis terrain, but have either not yet entered physical production or do not make sense to produce in great quantities, including:
Cosmetic building modifications, to add variety to your tabletop when using many of the same structure.
City streets, rural roads, tarmacs, railroads and other common infrastructure elements.
Civilian and military logistics vehicles, good for populating area terrain or populating the abandoned streets.
More TBA
Ideally, this will allow people to order these supplementary components on-demand from a local producer, and at a verified quality level to fit in perfectly with their Mundus Imperialis BIAB structures.
It's an experimental concept that Gale Force Nine is on board with and, if it works out well, it's a system I'd like to explore more in the future across other terrain and model lines.