Adepticon is next week folks, and I am ready to get it done and get home. This year so far has been just about non-stop prep behind the scenes, taking meetings, rushing designs, and trying to wheel and deal to get a lot of product launched AND announced at the convention.
I am 100% stressed out and excited in near equal measure right now, as how some things go at the con will determine certain details about the rest of the year for me, and public reactions to the previews and releases will be taken into account so, if you're there, PLEASE swing by the Gale Force Nine booth, take some pictures of the new stuff, and make some noise on social media!
While it may be mildly delusional, it's my intention to take a step back from the design desk when I get home and sink into a groove where I actually get some of the NUMEROUS new files painted and put on a table, so I hope you'll join me on Twitch for that! I'm also looking at multistreaming to Kick or even YT, but we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
I'm flying out to Chicago on Tuesday, and looking forward to seeing you Stormchasers who will be joining me at the conclave of dorks that is Adepticon! I'll have a few pieces of swag with me, and I'll be chumming around in my new Thunderhead Studio hoodie (courtesy of the lovely Riotsister) so, if you see me make sure to come say hi and see what I'm up to!
I'll be keeping the website 10% sales code GETRETRO24 live until I actually finish posting the RetroMechs that didn't get out before the convention, so feel free to keep using it until I get back and finish releasing those files!
Gird your loins, gentlefolk. The time for action is now. See you at Adepticon!